Contra-ordenações do Código de Estrada

Highway Code Infractions

Have you recently been through a situation where you have been charged with one or several infractions but were not 100% convinced by the final decision? Or do you simply need a lawyer to help you better understand what to expect on a fine?

It is of the utmost importance that you are up to speed on traffic offences and The Firm has everything you need!

Our batteries are clearly pointed towards the serious and very serious type of traffic offences. The revocation (annulment/withdrawal) of your driving licence means that you are not allowed to drive for 2 years, resulting in the total loss of the points on your licence and its validity.

Our legal services are available to you so that, through all available legal means, we can minimise the damage and avoid any consequences that may be detrimental to you, by investigating every possible mistake or error on the part of the issuing authority.

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